Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Cooking on the Radio

Cooking on the Radio with Jeff Nemcher
Podcasting so good, you can taste it!
Sun, 13 Feb 2005 14:27:51 -0600
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Chef Jeff
A Valentines day recipe - Pasta Amore'
Sun, 13 Feb 2005 14:20:17 -0600
Happy Valentines day everybody.  Just Pete from Illinoise! requested a simple recipe that he could prepare for Nasa Janet.  I came up with this quick and easy pasta dish I call Pasta Amore' that looks as good as it tastes.  Give it a try and show someone you love how special they are. 

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Chef Jeff
Beer, Pub, and Rub. And a cooking tip of the day.
Fri, 11 Feb 2005 00:47:19 -0600
On today's show I drink and talk about beer and my friends over at  Dave Miller from The Miller Report is doing a great job organizing PubCast 2005, and Todd from Business Thoughts is hosting a really good feature on The Future of Podcasting, check it out.

And I share the recipe and cooking tips for my Savory Roast Chicken.  This meal can be prepared rotisserie style (as I did) or roasted in the oven.  Either way it is easy, juicy, and delicious.

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Cooking Tip of The Day

Chef Jeff
Dining Downunder - Native Australian Cuisine is sweeping the globe
Wed, 09 Feb 2005 05:40:51 -0600
If you thought that local steakhouse that claims to serve food from downunder provides an authentic taste of Australian cooking, think again.

On today's show Vic Cherikoff and Benjamin Christie share their thoughts on Native Australian Cuisine and their television series Dining Downunder.  The two talk about the development of this new way to cook with aboriginal ingredients and how this style of cooking is transforming the way we prepare and consider Australian Cuisine.  Check out the Dining Downunder Cookbook here.

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Chef Jeff
Is Podcasting a Great Value? You Bet!
Tue, 08 Feb 2005 23:21:22 -0600
It seems that many people are criticizing commercial radio programming.  It seems that the public isn't pleased with the choices on the radio dial lately.  I know that I personally have no use for radio save two things, NPR and my Weatherband receiver.  I have a 1998 Subaru Outback with a Weatherband receiver built in to the radio.   With just a push of the button I can receive NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) alerts and weather reports.  This is very helpful in the severe thunderstorm and tornado prone midwest.

Well as a reader of this site, you likely subscribe to my podcast which makes you part of the turning tide of radio absurdity and mediocrity.  Podcasting is providing alternatives to commercial radio and is quickly becomming the method of choice for many to receive their news, information, and entertainment.  On a similar front, low power FM radio stations are providing a similar phenomonon over the air waves.  At the starting price of around $10,000.00 I feel that Eric Rice's find for a cheap podcasting setup is a much better value.

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Chef Jeff
New contact info for COTR
Mon, 07 Feb 2005 18:18:45 -0600
I am joining the podcast revolution and adopting the preferred methods of listener communication.  I have been using Skype longer than I have been podcasting, but i have just recently added a link to call me using Skype. 

Thanks to Todd from Business Thoughts, I am now set up with my very own Gmail account.  Todd has a great site with a new feature that i am excited to follow, The Future of Podcasting.  Todd has arranged for some of the pioineers of podcasting to join him for an inside look into where the medium is heading.  Check it out.

I have also added a listener comment line: 206.202.COOK (2665) for folks to leave messages, comments, and talk about what is on their mind.  Give me a ring, it's fun!

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Chef Jeff
NPR lets the cat out of the bag
Mon, 07 Feb 2005 18:08:19 -0600
The communication method of choice for many bloggers and podcasters Skype is being introduced to the public today as NPR discusses talking on the cheap.  I use Skype to communicate with my brothers and sisters here in the podcast world, from just saying hello, to troubleshooting technical problems, the application is great.

I also use Skype to record interviews and enjoy the conferencing feature of the program.  Brian from Rebel Dad told me that he plans on using Skype out, Skype's pay per minute method of calling old world telephones.  I am going to look into this as well as a way to replace my office studio phone tap system.

So if you haven't experienced Skype yet, give it a look, just watch your back for the stampede of the masses coming up behind you.

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Chef Jeff
Audioblogs recording test
Sat, 05 Feb 2005 17:42:47 -0600
Inital test recording and site positng to Cooking on the Radio from This recording is made from my home studio.

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Chef Jeff
Cooking News, Friends from down under, and more cowbell
Fri, 04 Feb 2005 21:00:30 -0600
Greetings everyone, today I talk about the past week of food news focusing on some of the child related stories including child obesity and Kraft's decision to discontinue marketing junk food to kids between 6 - 11.

On the Media continues the conversation with a report that covers the Alliance for American Advertising and a discussion with Seth Stevenson from Slate about the effects of marketing to children.

NPR listeners chime in about a report about, yes you guessed it, More Cowbell.

PubCast 2005 is gaining momentum as Dave Miller from The Miller Report works to establish the details and schedule of events for the conferece that will take place in Minneapolis Minnesota on June 3rd and 4th.

I received e-mail and had a wonderful discussion with Benjamin Christie and Vic Cherikoff from the Australian cooking show "Dining Downunder".  Check out more information about them, the show and the most interesting Aussie cooking you will find.

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Chef Jeff
Cooking on the Radio goes mobile, PubCast 2005, salt bath and in living color
Sun, 30 Jan 2005 23:33:47 -0600
That's right folks I hit the road today with my new iRiver which liberates me from the confines of my home studio.  I need to get prepared for shows on the road.  I talk a little bit about PubCast 2005, take my new mobile studio in for a salt bath and discuss "Singing in the Rain" in color.

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Chef Jeff
Greek Chicken Recipe, PubCast 2005 and Cooking Tips
Sat, 29 Jan 2005 14:26:42 -0600

I share my kid pleasing recipe for Greek Style Chicken Breast, talk a bit about PubCast 2005, and share my cooking tips while preparing the meal.  I hope to have the recipe added here later today.

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Chef Jeff
Audio books - when you just don't have enough podcasts to listen to
Thu, 27 Jan 2005 12:10:35 -0600
I don't know about you , but I jumped into the realm of audio books and podcasting at the same time.  For Christmas I received a subscription to Audible and an iPod.  Now I have more to listen to than I have time to listen and I find myself having to choose between the next great podcast, or that new book I just downloaded.

It appears that the audio book market is getting quite a boost lately as sales are increasing at double digit rates.  This comes to no surpise to me as I find myself with 2+ hours of commute time each day and little time to read.  Trust me, reading while driving is a bad idea.  So I have been catching up on some reading by listening and exploring some current titles as well.

Now all I need is more time to listen to everything on my iPod.  How is that space time continuum expander project going anyway?

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Chef Jeff
Podcasting has the satellite radio market running scared
Wed, 26 Jan 2005 16:20:35 -0600
In an attempt to join forces in order to keep the subscription fee based market afloat, XM Satellite Radio and Sirius Satellite Radio have been kicking around the idea of a merger.  Rumors are flying in the news world on this story but currently they are being denied like a plate of cold leftovers.

Let's think of it this way, with the rapidly growing popularity of podcasting, a free subscription based audio delivery service, is there really room for one satellite radio supplier that will charge you for content that still can not be timeshifted?   This doesn't leave me with a healthy appetite to try and pick from a limited menu of programs that will be fed to me on someone elses schedule.

This is likely the realization that has Mel Karmazin considering partnering up with the thought that there is strength in numbers.   With Sirius posting wider than projected losses and finding their subsciber base growing more slowly than anticipated the question of how to cover Howard Stern's 100 million dollar payroll has to sit heavily on his mind.  Sounds like a case of indegestion that a simple antacid may not be able to fix.  It seems like this may be a good time to weigh anchor and take a look at the storm that is brewing on the horizon rather than take the nearest ship down with you .

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Chef Jeff
Dining with one of NFL's greatest
Tue, 25 Jan 2005 21:18:02 -0600
On today's show I review America's Brewpub at Walter Payton's Roundhouse in Aurora, Illinois and play a clip of a local area favorite cover band Hi Infidelity

Interesting news in the world of wine, Robert and Peter Mondavi of the well respected wine family have put their differences aside and found a common ground to talk grapes as they plan to produce their first barrel of wine toghether in more than 40 years.  Rich Cartiere from the Wine Market Report talks with Michele Norris from NPR.

I discuss the addition of my new Tascam US-122 USB preamp/mixer, and my audio drop out problem with Audacity.

Cooking on the Radio was picked by ChadBooms Blog and Michael Lehman's  Manic Minute as podcast of the day.

For music libraries and custom music check out Big Dog Music Design.

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Food Reviews

Chef Jeff
A fond farewell to a broadcasting legend
Sun, 23 Jan 2005 16:25:44 -0600
Long before podcasting, instant messaging and the internet, Johnny Carson would come to us to share the news, share a laugh and his undeniable charm.

For 30 years he was a part of many peoples lives coming to us in our living rooms as host of  "The Tonight Show" with his great energy and attitude.  A great balance to what, over the years, became an ever more dismal evening news broadcast.

Mr. Carson paved the way for today's evening talk show hosts setting a high bar that no one seems to be well equiped to overcome.  I hope that his legacy lives on to show hosts how we can come together to inform and entertain viewers (and listeners alike).  Johnny wasn't much for good-byes and preferred to keep his private life out of the public eye.  He will live on in the hearts of many and he certainly will be missed.

Good night Johnny.

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Chef Jeff
Podcasting so good you can taste it!
Sat, 22 Jan 2005 10:18:41 -0600
We had a good deal of snow here in the Chicago area today, which got me outdoors with shovel and snowblower.

I would like to thank listeners for their feedback on the show.  You can leave your comments here on the site or e-mail me directly here: Jeff Nemcher

I want to thank Michael Lehman for rating the show as his podcast of the day on his Manic Minute on the 18th, and thanks to Chad from Chadbooms blog for his podcast of the day vote on the 18th as well.

During today's podcast I share my recipe for Cabin Fever Steaks, talk about and, the best beer based podcast on the internet.

    Big Dog Music Design

Eat well, live well,


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Chef Jeff
Grant submission extended
Thu, 20 Jan 2005 09:55:29 -0600
I would like to thank Rick Bayless for taking time to talk about his cooking, restaurants and involvement in the Farmer Foundation and the many other charitable and worthwhile causes that he so generously supports.  During our interview he mentioned that the submission deadline for the 2005 Farmer Foundation Grants has been extended until the end of February.  Grant applications can be found here:

    Farmer Foundation Grant Application

If you would like to support the Farmer Foundation, you can find out more information here:

    Support the Farmer Foundation

Have a great day everybody - Jeff

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Chef Jeff
A Very Special Interview with Rick Bayless
Wed, 19 Jan 2005 19:13:31 -0600
Today I talk with Rick Bayless about his award winning cuisine served up fresh daily at the Frontera Grill and Topolobampo, we discuss sustainable agriculture practices and Rick shares his thoughts on his appearance on Iron Chef America.

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Chef Jeff
Legal Leftovers
Tue, 18 Jan 2005 12:36:52 -0600
Dennis Kozlowski and Bernard Ebbers were used to living high on the hog, drinking deeply from the cup of riches that their deceptions filled.  It seems that they have been eating a lot of crow lately and it is unlikely that they will be served chateaubriand if they are found guilty.  Maybe I can whip up a batch of ethics for them and serve it up with a side of humility.  Audio reports can also be found at NPR:

    Ebbers Trial
    Kozlowski Trial

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Chef Jeff
A simple and tasty chicken dish
Mon, 17 Jan 2005 22:24:28 -0600
Today's podcast covers a simple and delicious chicken recipe.  The Spinach and Mushroom Stuffed Chicken Breast is an original creation of mine that I wanted to share with you, try it out and let me know what you think.

Enjoy the recipe and enjoy cooking.

Bon Appetit,


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Chef Jeff
Iron Chef America debut
Mon, 17 Jan 2005 13:33:47 -0600
I haven't had the chance to watch the show yet but I received an e-mail from one of the show's listeners.  If you haven't seen the show yet I don't want to spoil it for you, so read ahead at your own risk.

Adam sent me his furstrated thoughts...

But moving right along . . .

Did you watch Iron Chef last night?  Did you get the feeling that Mr Bayless was robbed  Two of the plates had judges saying that they didn't like the buffalo!  Isn't that the whole point - to make the secret ingredient taste good?  And Mr. New York won anyway.  Rick Bayless clearly had the poise and the skill to win that particular competition.  Sadly, once again, we Chicagoans needlessly play second fiddle to New York . . .Ugh.

Sorry, I just needed to vent and I thought of you.  Hopefully there will be a rematch.

Thanks for the comment Adam, I agree with you and had a feeling from the previews that things weren't going to swing Chicago's way.


reference links:
Iron Chef America

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Chef Jeff
Family Party - Good friends, great food.
Sun, 16 Jan 2005 12:24:36 -0600
Last night my folks hosted their holiday party for our extended family, freinds and co-workers.  Over the years the party has grown to over 60 people which has made finding a time to celebrate together around the holidays difficult.  A few years ago my mom shifted the part until after new years which has been a welcome change.

I had planned on a remote podcast from the party, but as Murphy would have it, I grabbed the wrong cable to connect from my wireless receiver to my computer.  The party was a big success, the food was great as always, but the real star of the evening (other than my mom) was the desserts. 

The dinning room had been converted into a sweet table that streched from here to Gibraltar.  Cookies, cakes, and brownies adorned the well decorated tables.  I heard rave reviews for my mom's rum balls, and I can personally attest to the overall scruptiousness of the $ 40,000 cake.  This almost sinful combination of moist chocolate cake topped with carmel prailines and fresh whipping cream is always on of my favorites.

The only dowside, other than not being able to remote podcast, to the evening was not having a chance to pack up anything to take home with us.  The kids were getting restless and we left in a hurry.  One of our family friends always brings over the most amazing poundcake, which has been our traditional day after the party breakfast.  I missed it greatly this morning.

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Chef Jeff
Adam getting into cooking?
Sun, 16 Jan 2005 11:59:10 -0600
Has Adam Curry been cooking in the closet?  I ran across this posting at and had to wonder.

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Chef Jeff
Cooking Basics - The Spice of Life
Sat, 15 Jan 2005 10:14:07 -0600
Today's show includes a discussion on harnessing the power of the internet to reunite victims of the tsunami:

    NPR Report on tsunami striken families being reunited

Adam talks about the widely known white earphones.  Shure may have the new standard for podcast listeners, these things are like speakers for your ears.  The E-Searies earphones are getting great reviews, but are they worth the high price tag?

    Shure E-Series Earphones

And of course we discuss food.  Spice is the variety of life and our main topic of discussion today.  Listen in as I talk about my four essential spices you need to have in your cabinet.

Tonight is my mom's extended holiday party.  Friends, family and loved ones from near and far will descend upon the Nemcher family ranch in Peotone, IL for an evening of eating, drinking and merriment.

I hope to have a special podcast with tips and recipes from my mom.

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Chef Jeff
New coat of paint
Fri, 14 Jan 2005 23:44:35 -0600
Working on the site a little tonight, trying to get rid of all the blogware screw ups and add a little identity.  I included a link to download ipodder thanks to Andrew Grumet linking to my podcast from his blog which you can view here:

    Andrew Grumet's Weblog

I also recieved a nice welcome to the podcasting community from Garrick Van Buren, you can check out his podcast covering coffee and other hot topics at:

    First Crack with Garrick Van Buren

It seems that blogware is placing the enclosure tags for my podcasts in the wrong spot in the auto generated RSS.  I have been trying to get an answer from someone at tech support to no avail.  The fix for now is to make my changes, wait for the RSS to update, copy the defunct RSS to the desktop, cut and past the enclosure entry up one line and re-upload the RSS file... geeeeez what a pain.  Anyone else run across this problem?  If so please let me know if I am doing something silly.

If you haven't heard the latest Dawn and Drew show, they debuted "Three Minute Theatre" today.  Great idea.  Adam gave us a SoundSeeing tour of Guilford that made me feel like I was there, check them both out at the right.

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Chef Jeff
Quality food, eating tips for Adam, Dawn & Drew, Rick Bayless and Frontera Grill
Wed, 12 Jan 2005 21:01:39 -0600
Working late tonight and I wanted to upload my latest podcast, where I discuss the importance of using quality ingredients, provide eating tips for podcasters and talk about the best casual dinning restuarant on the planet.

My ISPs crappy generated RSS is not functioning properly or updating in a timely manner so to subscribe to the podcast click on the Cooking on the Radio link on the right.


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Welcome to my kitchen!
Wed, 05 Jan 2005 19:20:20 -0600
My name is Jeff Nemcher, and I will be your host here at Cooking on the Radio.  I will be posting my thoughts here about food and cooking.  I look forward to sharing my cooking knowledge, recipes and reviews of restuarants in the Chicagoland area.  Also check out my audio files and subscribe to my podcast.

Please feel free to e-mail me at: with your questions or comments.

Bon appetit,


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