Thursday, February 10, 2005

Free Internet Marketing Videos

James Maduk's Web Marketing For Small Business Video Library - Watch and Learn How To Start Your Own Internet Business

James Maduk's Web Marketing For Small Business Video Library

Select A Course From The List:


.Instructions For Using The Video Library

James Maduk

Free Access To Hours Of  Web Marketing Training From My Personal Video Library And A Copy Of  My Top Selling Marketing Manual! 

It's Easy Just Follow These Simple Steps

Watch This Quick Video That Explains How The Site Works (Watch Now)


Text Version:  This site contains over 120 hours of Web Marketing Training from my personal Video Library.  More than 600 individual training sessions have been grouped together to form standalone courses.  Use the "Select A Course From The List" drop down box to pick which videos your want to view.

Browsing is Free!  Take a look at all of the course descriptions, notes and resources.  To help you get started I've included a more than twenty demo videos listed under the lablel "Free Videos".  There are 20 separate sessions, over 4 hours of great material to get you started.

If you try to watch videos listed in courses other than those found in "Free Video" you will be aked to enter a Username and Password before the training will start.  

When  you're ready look for this icon.

Click on it to create a valid Username and Password. You get immediate access to the entire library with one click.  There's no risk, you can cancel your subscription at any time.

  • By default, the main page will always display all of the videos in the library sorted in alphabetical order. 
  • The pages are broken up into listings of 10 sessions each.  If you scroll to the bottom of every page you will see a  "forward and back" arrow. 
  • To show videos from specific courses I've included a quick drop down list.  At the top of each page you can use the drop down listing to sort or select the videos by course.
  • The search box next to the course listing will search through all of the descriptions for the courses that are currently being displayed.
  • Every training session has a brief description, additional resources and a link to one or more training sessions.  To start a video, screen capture, whiteboard or audio look on each page for one of the following buttons.


  • You need a copy of Real Player for Windows, speakers and an internet connection to view the training sessions.  To make sure you can successfully view the courses click here.

Free Resources: Make sure to visit the free resources links on the right hand side of every page.


Download The "Web Marketing For Small Business" Manual (Download Now)

The PDF manual normally sells for $97 but is avaiable for a limited time as a free gift with this site.  With over 300 pages of detailed information and specific instruction, this is the same book that I use to run my Online business.


Download A Copy Of Real Player For Windows Or Check To Make Sure Your Existing Version Works 

All you need is the free version of RealPlayer.  I use RealPlayer on this site for a simple reason!  You only need a dialup connection to view a full page screen capture or one of my whiteboard and audio sessions. (you only need a basic 56k connection)  There are no long downloads and you never have to wait for 10 minutes before you see videos.

I've created a special page that:

  1. Checks to make sure you have Real Player installed properly
  2. Inlcludes links to 3 demo files, a "Whiteboard and Audio", "Full Screen Capture" and my "Internet Radio" station Small Business Heroes.

Make sure to setup your media player before you get started.  If you have trouble contact support.


Visit Often - The Video Library Is Updated Daily

The database that feeds the page is updated daily.  You'll find new courses and indivdual sessions updated every day.  To make things easy you can subscrbe to the Video Library RSS feed.  You'll find information on free demos, live webcasts, free teleclasses and live seminars.


The Largest Collection Of Web Marketing Videos Available Online:

For More Info!

Free Resources

10 Sales Page Secrets

James Maduk

Web Marketing Training Session - An Introduction To Sales Page Secrets

: Whiteboard and Audio Session

Running Time: 70 Minutes 

Sales Page Secrets?

When it comes to sales pages, psychology is always more important than technology.


Because your sales page works as you virtual salesperson, your feet on the street.  If you don't have good sales reps do you think you product is going to sell itself?  Is it so unique that you don't need sales people?

Listen to this powerful introduction to sales pages and you'll learn about some unique psychological triggers that anyone can use to persuade and influence online

For More Info!

Free Resources

10 Tips To Get Your Business Airborne

James Maduk

10 Tips to Get Your Business Airborne

Simple sales strategies that will put your time, money and resources to good use.

If you missed my last article, "Preparing to Sell," I introduced the idea of a "sales runway." A sales runway is the length of time that your business has to get enough sales volume before you run out of money. In simple terms, getting your business off the ground means the cash you earn directly from sales is more than your expenses.

We originally looked at managing your sales runway, and now I want to look at 10 steps to make sure your business gets airborne with the runway that you have.

  1. Don't Be Everything to Everyone Focus on a single product or product line. Study successful businesses in your market, and you'll find out they all share a common heritage: They started out with a single product or product line. If you have multiple product lines or a catalog of products and services, you may have to sacrifice them for the short term.
  2. Focus your sales and marketing on the most promising product or service. If you find that a product or service is selling well early-on, take advantage of this success. Get early wins, and build on them. Gather testimonials and case studies. Launch a PR campaign around your recent success.
  3. Narrow your target market. Hopefully you defined your target market in your original business plan. Revisit the plan to see if you've actually been selling to the market you originally defined. In many cases, what you planned for and whom you sold to will be different. Make a decision to either adjust the plan to reflect what's working, or redefine and narrow your target market. This keeps your sales and marketing efforts focused. When you get up each day, you'll know who you are trying to help and what you can do for them. Stop Testing New Ideas
  4. Evaluate the advertising and marketing that you've been doing. If you've been running numerous campaigns in numerous types of media, stop and analyze which one has been the most effective. Continue to advertise and market with the campaigns that have worked the best so far.
  5. Fine-tune and expand existing programs. Continue testing and refining the marketing activities that have been bringing in leads and sales. In fact, instead of trying any new ideas, apply the money and time to programs that you know work. Leverage Existing Relationships
  6. Look at current relationships. Do you have existing relationships that can help you increase sales quickly? Is there a joint marketing or sales program that you can enter into with your existing suppliers?
  7. Determine whether you're building your business. Author Michael Gerber, who wrote a series of books on the "e-myth," suggests that many entrepreneurs get stuck doing their business instead of building their business. Take a look at how you have been spending your time, and check to see if you've been caught up with all the administrative demands or been able to break free and focus on what builds your business.
  8. "Grade" your opportunities. Take a look at all the opportunities that you're presently working on, then grade them A, B or C. Mark A as "revenue producing," B as "needs to get done" and C as "enjoy doing." Grade your opportunities by value, and complete them in order.
  9. Focus on what you do best—don't diversify. Keep focused on the goal at hand; get your business off the ground. Once you're airborne, you'll have lots of time to evaluate other ideas.

Some of these tips may seem counterintuitive. When bills are still coming in and sales aren't, there's the urge to "take whatever you can." That may give you a little more time by extending the runway, but it doesn't help get your business off the ground. Ultimately, it takes you away from the controls and doesn't increase the speed of your sales. Stay focused; work smart. In business, you don't get airborne unless you're at the controls and applying full throttle.

© 2001 James Maduk, All rights reserved. You are free to use material from the Virtual Selling eNews in whole or in part as long as you include complete attribution, including live web site link and e-mail link. Please also notify me where the material will appear.

For More Info!

Free Resources

3 Ways To Create Obsessive - Compulsive Customers

James Maduk

3 Steps To Create Obsessive - Compulsive Customers

: Whiteboard and Audio Session - Support

Running Time: 19 Minutes

Remember Beanie Babies?  You should becuase it's a great example of "Obsessive - Compulsive" buying. 

If you don't remember this toy that every kid every had to have you're lucky.  Parents across North America waited in front of toy stores for hours to make sure that their kids had the toy that everyone wanted.

When you can remove the "purchase justification" from the selling equation you've not only got compulsive customer, you've started a FAD. 

So watch this video and learn three steps that create massive inside pressure and cause them to act - today!

If you're really serious about persuasion upgrade your membership and get access to my killer sales courses: Speed Selling, How Convert Objections Into Comittments, How to Build A Prospecting Factory plus, How To Read Faces and Body Forms.

Click here for the page that I mention in the video

For More Info!

Free Resources

5 Secrets My Mom Never Told Me About Winning Online

James Maduk

5 Secrets My Mom Never Told Me About Winning Online?

: Click Here To Listen Now - (For RealPlayer Support Click Here)

Duration: 55 Minutes

Format: Real Audio

Description: Want to learn 5 keys to winning online?  If you're interested in 5 major keys that I've picked up in my 9 years of Internet Marketing listen an learn....

As a special give I've also include a some bonus links in the audio file, watch as I open pages up for you during the session. 

Additional Resources:

Blogging - It's all the rage!  I've just finished a brand new toolkit that explains everything you'd want to know about Blogs  Find out more here!

Ever wanted to find out how to get ranked 1st on Google?  I have 7 different sites with #1 rankings.  Find out how I did it!

Stuck with a tiny email list?  I was until I learned the secret that most marketers won't share.  Learn the list building secret.


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