What Do You Believe??
I hope everyone had a safe and fun holiday but as usual I'm still hard at work. A few weeks ago I issued a press release see below:
Warning About Datamining
Then about 10 days later the news broke about Pres. Bush spying on US Citizens.
I personally love this country and also a vet are my 2 brothers but some boundaries must be made.
The question is which do you believe??
Report: NSA involved in 'data mining'
WASHINGTON, Dec. 24 (UPI) -- The U.S. National Security Agency has been involved in "data mining" of telephone calls and other communications, the New York Times reports.
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The Bush administration has acknowledged monitoring communications into and out of the United States without warrants since the Times revealed the practice. But President Bush insists that the monitoring was legal and limited to people with known ties to al-Qaida.
The Times said the monitoring was much larger than the government has admitted, and involves tapping into the main communication arteries of the United States.
Government officials and current and former employees of telecommunications companies said that the NSA has also been engaged in pattern analysis, the Times said. A former telecommunications manager said that the companies have been storing information since the 2001 terrorist attacks.
"All that data is mined with the cooperation of the government and shared with them, and since 9/11, there's been much more active involvement in that area," the former manager told the Times.
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